My Activity logs

You disliked Bella John. Click here to view candidate's profile

02 April 2020 | 02:13 PM

You liked John Doe. Click here to view candidate's profile

02 April 2020 | 02:13 PM

You matched with John Doe. Click here to view candidate's profile

02 April 2020 | 02:13 PM

You selected John Doe Click here to view candidate's profile

02 April 2020 | 02:13 PM

You have updated your password

02 April 2020 | 02:13 PM

Message sent to candidate (John Doe). Click here to view candidate's chat

02 April 2020 | 02:13 PM

Comment added to a profile (John Doe). Click here to view candidate's profile

02 April 2020 | 02:13 PM

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