Executive Search & Selection powered by Mind + Machine

Get innovative top talent acquisition solutions fusing AI and human insights to help you attract, select and retain the right talents.
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A new way to recruit:
Combining recruitment marketing and headhunting techniques

Talent Attraction and Matching (TAM™) Campaign
We help companies create a competitive edge through Talent Acquisition.


We bring your brand to life

Tell a genuine and attractive story in each recruitment campaign.

We help you attract the right talents

Get an omni-channel recruiting campaign.

We select talents for you

Get motivated and selected candidates only. Match on the go with our AI based mobile matching application in a "Tinder-like way".

Track your pool of talents with our intuitive dashboard

Manage your talent pool and monitor your recruiting performance. Get a winning hiring process with a stellar candidate experience. Boost your sourcing performance with TAM™ CAMPAIGN today!


Digital Executive Search:
A hybrid approach to search and select top executives

Digital Executive Search

Digital transformation and a looming skills gap amidst a fast changing business environment are driving the leadership capabilities needed in tomorrow’s leaders. The forward-looking company anticipates the future by recruiting today talents with traits needed for success in the future.

We deploy a unique search methodology combining technology and headhunting best practices to help you attract this new breed of leaders who are able to drive their organization’s future.

Ensure future competitive edge by acquiring GRAF™ leaders today:

Global leaders

To build an open and inclusive corporate culture.

Risk leaders able to work with AI

To drive strategic digital transformation.

Agile leaders

To drive a smooth and efficient business transformation.

Forward-thinking leaders

To design your future strategy in line with the mega business trends.

Why Blonk?

We know the science of successful Search & Selection.
Our database is deep, international and fits the new leadership requirements.
Our unique search methodology attracts a new breed of leaders that are best suited to your present and future needs.
Our predictive assessments provide you with valuable insights about the future performance of your leaders before hiring.
Reach a new breed of Leaders with Blonk today!

Ready to win over the best talents?

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