Changing the way HR and Operational Leaders find talents

The way we work and consume time is evolving. Recruiting practices need to keep pace.
Blonk provides you with AI recruiting technology and know-how to pre-engage, attract, and select the right leaders.
Hiring the best possible leaders today is a science that requires a much greater investment in time and creativity.

Keys to a Successful Executive Search Process

  • Distinctive employer branding directed to strategic targets
  • Unique, smooth and engaging candidate experience
  • Speed, collaboration and agility in execution
  • Use of Tech as a support to focus better on essentials

Modern Executive Search is about driving results through structured and agile processes that
enable HR to deliver quickly, effectively, and remotely.

Blonk uses AI and human insights to simplify the talent hunt and make the recruitment experience seamless. The design of Tech tools and our philosophy are inspired by love-matching principles. Blonk offers a set of people-matching tools and services that help Hiring Leaders pre-engage, attract, and select the best possible leaders.

Mobile Matching Platform

How does it work?

  • Talents swipe through opportunities and Like or Dislike
  • Hiring leaders swipe through talents profile and Like or Dislike
  • After a mutual Like, it is a Match and you can Chat directly
  • Get more insights through videos before you meet

iphone Slider

Find each other in a few swipes

Why Blonk?

Hunt passive leaders

Passive candidates hate to be approached with untimely and irrelevant job offers. Blonk presents candidates who look at jobs not only candidates who look for jobs.

Find people who best align with you

Our matching engine recommends motivated and relevant talents for you. The more you use the app, the more we learn from your preferences. We capture also changing motivations of candidates as they swipe to match them with you at the right time.

Turn Gen Y on

New leaders are driven by social media, video and mobility. Blonk is adapted to their lifestyle and address their needs for a better fit.

Tap on an international pool

You don’t have to compromise on the skills just because there are no good fits in your area. Draw from a bigger and more diverse international talent pool to find the right talent.

Save time and money with remote recruiting

Blonk streamlines and digitizes the recruitment process. Blonk AI-based platform and services help you attract, match and track Talents digitally and collaboratively with remote teams.

Employer branding

Boost your employer brand with Blonk. Simple, intuitive and direct, our job matching app promises a seamless candidate experience. Make each digital interaction count. Invest in a next-generation candidate experience.

Leverage social media and mobile technology to recruit your future best Talents

Reach candidates where they spend their most time and the way they want to be reached.