Love Matching Principles Applied to Job Search

HR tech startup that aims to humanize digital recruiting and transform recruitment experience through an intuitive and…

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Generative AI Can Help You Tailor Messaging to Specific Audiences

Can generative AI tools like ChatGPT help us communicate more effectively — and more empathically? Successful…

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The model of German family businesses under threat

German family businesses, from the “Mittelstand” to BMW or Aldi, are facing a crisis of identity. They are threatened…

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Questioning the board of directors

The popular perception of board members as having a cushy and comfortable role is a misconception. While they may…

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Will chief financial officers become chief value officers?

The continual extension of regulatory obligations governing CSR indicators is leading this theme to take on increasing…

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The Great Attrition is making hiring harder. Are you searching the right talent pools?

People keep quitting at record levels, yet companies are still trying to attract and retain them the same old ways. New…

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Climate: energy companies under pressure from shareholders

After BP and Engie, the shareholders of Shell and those of TotalEnergies will vote on May 23 and 26 on dissenting…

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‘Tinder’ for jobs? App allows users, firms to swipe for a match, cuts recruitment time

Published on TODAY Online, 29 October 2018 by Kenneth Cheng. SINGAPORE — Billed as the “Tinder for jobs”, a mobile…

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Why Blonk wants to be the Tinder of the recruiting industry

Blonk believes that the sensible way to fight the talent attrition problem is not by focusing on retention Technics but…

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These four Echelon TOP100 winners prove why Singapore’s ecosystem is still the crowning jewel of Southeast Asia

The article highlights four Singaporean startups that won the Echelon TOP100 competition, which showcases the best…

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