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Boards news

Five Reasons Why Every Board Member Should Be Part of a Digital Executive Protection Program

The article explains why board members should enroll in digital executive protection programs to protect themselves and their organizations from cyberattacks. The article lists five reasons for doing so: 1) to protect against doxxing, 2) to defend against hacking, 3) to prevent impersonation, 4) to shield against identity theft, and 5) to avoid being the topic of a US Securities and Exchange Commission filing. The article also provides some examples of how these programs can help board members1.

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People & Culture

Evidence of a Collective Intelligence Factor in the Performance of Human Groups

Psychologists have repeatedly shown that a single statistical factor—often called “general intelligence”—emerges from the correlations among people’s performance on a wide variety of cognitive tasks. But no one has systematically examined whether a similar kind of “collective intelligence” exists for groups of people.

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People & Culture

The challenges of start-ups to recruit abroad

The article you shared discusses the challenges faced by startups when recruiting abroad. It highlights that startups face several challenges when recruiting abroad, including cultural differences, language barriers, and legal requirements. The article also mentions that startups can overcome these challenges by partnering with local organizations, leveraging social media platforms, …

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Boards news

Boardroom agility in turbulent governance seasons Kahumbya Bashige CDir, Investor Relations Manager, Shelter Afrique

Kahumbya Bashige CDir is a Tanzanian born woman with 20 years’ experience in the finance industry, a board directorship with CRDB Bank Burundi and a member of the IoD Council. ‘All things constant’ is an oft-used signature of expectations in projecting organisational vision and goals. In corporate leadership, the board …

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Boards news

Barometer of Gender Diversity in Governing Bodies in Europe

The article introduces Ethics & Boards, a service that helps companies, investors and stakeholders to evaluate and improve their sustainable governance. It argues that governance is a key factor for corporate performance, especially in relation to climate, social, risk and remuneration issues. It also suggests that companies need to adopt …

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Boards news

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and its impacts on boards

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is the new EU legislation requiring all large companies to publish regular reports on their environmental and social impact activities. It helps investors, consumers, policymakers, and other stakeholders evaluate large companies’ non-financial performance. The audit market must adapt itself to the new requirements. Within …

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HR Tech & AI

How AI can disrupt the world of professional and scientific information

The article discusses how artificial intelligence (AI) can disrupt the world of professional and scientific information. It cites the example of ChatGPT, an AI system that can generate texts on any topic, and how it raises concerns for publishers and researchers. It also shows how the leaders of specialized information, …

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Boards news

The CAC40 buys more foreign start-ups than French ones

The article reveals that the CAC40 companies buy more foreign than French start-ups, according to a study by RaiseLab and BCG. It shows that 70% of the young companies acquired by the French index members are foreign, mainly from the US, the UK and Israel. It also identifies Publicis, Engie …

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Our Planet

Extreme humid heat in South Asia in April 2023, largely driven by climate change

The article reports on a record-breaking heatwave in South Asia in April 2023, which caused deaths, hospitalisations, school closures, forest fires and infrastructure damage. It also presents the findings of a scientific study that attributed the extreme heat and humidity to human-induced climate change. The study analysed the heat index, …

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